Sunday, November 21, 2010

11/21/10 | SBC Entertainment Group dissolves Irish Sims Production Company and Irish Sims Series Company

As of 10:30pm EST SBC Entertainment Group has dissolved the companies known as Irish Sims Production Company and Irish Sims Series Company. The companies were part of an overall shut down of SBC Entertainment Group which may occur in June 2011. SBC Entertainment Group will continue to own the rights to all the Irish Sims Production Company and Irish Sims Series Company accounts, logos, productions, websites and story plots in their entirety.

Saturday, November 20, 2010

11/20/10 | Undead Virus canceled - FLU is still on

As of today, we've decided to cancel the series known as "Undead Virus" it is simply too much work, however "FLU" the movie "Undead Virus" was based on will still air. SBC Entertainment Group still holds ownership of all weblayout, logos, images from the show, characters and plot design.

Thursday, November 18, 2010

11/18/10 | We Proudly Present ...

Today the company known as "SBC Corporation" was dissolved and in it's place, "SBC Entertainment Group" was formed. The reasoning behind this decision was all a matter of taking ourselves less seriously, a corporation sounds far too professional for what we do, we are a group of creators, so we decided the term "entertainment group" fitted us more appropriately. Check out this new logo:

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

11/17/10 | SBC will no longer design logos for YouTube users

After a series of events involving another YouTube user, SBC has decided that they will no longer design a logo for another YouTube user, for two reasons. Multiple people ask every week and we simply do not have time to create them all, while we appreciate the compliments on our logos, we cannot create them for everyone it involves too much time. Also, we have realized we have no way to properly monitor and control our logos once they are out there in the internet, a condition to all the people we make logos for, is that they must give us proper credit in the description of their channel and video descriptions however, if a user wishes to delete that credit or simply not add it at all, we have no recourse, other than to file a copyright claim which involves a lot of time we do not have. We apologize for this but hope you will all understand.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

11/4/10 | Our Privacy Policy

As the SBC website now uses a statistics counter, we've introduced a privacy policy to explain what's going on when you visit our site. If you would like to read it, click the link to the left or go to