Monday, February 7, 2011

The End of SRN and SimmerTV, SBC Soon to Follow

SRN (SimsRealityNetwork) just announced he quit YouTube only a few days after SimmerTV (Simmer126.) Utilizing his comment module on his YouTube Channel page as a bulletin board for announcements, Kevin Munro posted:
"...I'm quitting. Like NOW! No more Sims Big Brother 7: All-Stars episode..."
SRN continued to say he was to move on with life, and was going to keep his YouTube Channel active even though there will be no new videos. On the other hand, user: Simmer126 aka SimmerTV abruptly closed his YouTube account two days ago. In a private conversation, Greg C. of SimmerTV said he was no longer interested in creating the videos for YouTube and no longer had the motivation to continue on.
SBC Entertainment Group will also be closing its doors later on this year, after completion of its TEEN SIM BROTHER series, and SOMEONE TO WATCH OVER ME, the fate of CSI: VERONAVILLE is still undetermined as of yet.